J. Palmer

Nature Dreaming

VRChat art installation with The Brain 7 fellowship

Nature Dreaming is a multi-layer immersive experience which can be collectively experienced in VRchat. Visitors can wander the landscape of melted 3D Scans, drawings, field recordings, and voices - which reconfigures itself when touched. The dream world touches on various shades of human-nature connections, playing with time and space indiscriminately. On rare occasions, one may see the dream dancer, a denizen of the dream world. Visitors in the space are invited to speak with each other and attempt to interpret what they find there.

Nature Dreaming can always be visited here: https://vrchat.com/home/launch?worldId=wrld_26a1d02b-bf56-4e48-a55c-021630e2b19e (requires VRChat, Windows)

Collaborating artists:

  • Marie Dalhén
  • Sara Lisa Vogl
  • Émeline Néant
  • Laura Kuusk
  • Lilian Hess
  • Emilie Breslavetz
  • Jeanne Susplugas
  • J. Palmer

In this project, I acted as technical artists bringing together the ideas and artwork of the others. I was supplied with drawings, 3D models and sound designs, and combined them with my own artworks to create this interactive environment. The concept was designed together with the group during the fellowship, and becomes a triptych with two other artworks created by the group: Dream Dancer, and The Quilt.

The fellowship is supervised and technically supported by A MAZE‚ Goethe-Institut Munich‚ Institut français Germany‚ Institut français Suede and Institut français Estonia, and curated by Thorsten S․ Wiedemann․




